Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Ni first time dlm blog aku luahkan rasa marah aku ni.korg tau x tubuh manusia terbahagi kpd 5 elemen?roh,jiwa,akal,minda,dan tubuh

Ko kata aku 2 minggu je kat laundry department pas 2minggu lak ko suruh aku hbskan i.t.b dulu ni dah 2minggu 5hari aku kat laundry department,hari ni last day aku i.t.b masa i.t.b ko kata treat associate ko secara fair n equally tp bile aku dtg tny aku transfer department mana,ko kata aku still kat laundry and alasan ko x dpt email transfer utk aku!mmg lame excuses i ever heard.Mmg mengarut,aku dtg i.t.b hari ni bersemangat bile dengar camtu terus penat ooo walaupun dududk dengar ceramah hari ni ko x fikir ke perkara yg ko harapkan x dpt ko inginkan.mmg penat,marah,keliru nk menangis pun ade.

Memang mengarut betulla hr ni(human resource)aku bukan dlm bidang pengurusan hotel,tp kulinari art(dapur,memasak!)xkan dalam repot kolej aku nk tulis pasal laundry je?klu presentation aku nk jawab pe?mmg dh lari bidang la aku skng ni! x tau la nk dtg keje esok ke x,rasa malas pun de,hati dh panas ni!
Pepun aku sabar je la.

p/s:nantikan fiction dothack pertama yg aku buat kat blog aku lg 1 yakni myfirstdothack fiction,dh nk siap mungkin dalm hujung bulan x pun awal bulan depan aku postkan.aku update sebulan 1 chapterk,skang 80% chapter 1 dh pun siap dan dh rancang plot utk chapte2.nntkan

Monday, December 20, 2010


Game ni mmg gempak habis,dari style ngan graphic agak memuaskan dan sistem gameplay pun bagus,bnyk pilihan senjata dan sistem menggunakan kuda baru diperkenalkan.
Gamers boleh explore setiap ceruk bandar rome bahkan upgrade bandar rome menjadi lebih cantik.Yang plg aku suka ialah sistem recruit civllian jd assasin.kena musnahkan borgia tower dulu utk recruit mereka.boleh hntr mereka buat mission di seluruh eropah dan rusia.
Jalan citer adalah kesinambungan dari assasin's creed.kali ni apple of eden telah dirampas oleh pihak musuh dimana tempat ezio diserang.so ezio kena pegi rome utk mendapat balik apple of eden.Leornardo da vinci kembali semula sebagai kawan ezio yg pandai mencipta gadget.
Pada permulaan
game ni goddes minerva ade cakap pasal akan ade sesuatu berlaku ke atas bumi di masa hadapan dan dia ade ckp desmond,ezio x tau yg desmond tu keturunan dia.desmond kan cicit cicit cicit cicit altair n ezio.bagi gamers diluar game ni secara overallnye mmg memuaskan,bagi yg belum dapat atau belum main,main jgn x main.best siiiiiiiiot!

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Semalam aku mc sbb demam,tp aku sih smpt p seremban,pe lagi cari game assasin's creed brotherhood la.game tu gempak siot,besar siot dunia dia,tp yg x tahan ko ble sesat sbb x tau clue seterusnye,nasib baik naluri gamer aku x pernah silap hahahaha.
Semalam pas aku beli assasin's creed brotherhood,aku singgah tesco utk makan tengah hari,tgk ade kedai game game,usha kejap,perghh mmmg best,aku jumpa game ps2 yg dah lama aku cari sejak aku memiliki ps2 dri form3 lg,sampai skng aku cari,game tu ialah dothack part3:outbreak dan dothack part4:quarantine.tp apakan daya jumpa part 3 ngan 4 je,part 1 ngan 2 x de la.
Balik umah terus aku enjoy semua game yg aku cari sampai aku tidur jam kul 3pg,perrrghh ngantuk tul la.asyik aku menguap je kat tmpt keje ni!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kamen Rider OOO

Kali ni aku nk promo sikit psl kr terbaru ni iaitu ooo/ooz!dulu aku pernah promo kr w extreme form kan,kali ni kr ooo bnyk form dr w.citer bermula apabila eiji hono seorang gelandangan/org x de rumah ni terjaga dri tidur selepas bekerja sbg pengawal di muzium.dia ni cuma ade beberapa helai pakaian dan 2helai seluar dlm 1utk esok dan 1lg utk hari ini.sng citer dia dapat duit syiling yg ganjil sebagai gaji atas kerjanye tp dia x tau yg duit syiling tersebut adalah core medal kepunyaan greed bernama ankh,ankh mengekori eiji tp ankh dlm bentuk x lengkap iaitu dlm bentuk tangan.Eiji diserang oleh yummy yg dihantar oleh greed bernama uva yg lain rakan kpd greed ankh.ankh menyuruh eiji berubah kpd ooo selepas pertarungan tamat ankh merasuk badan inkspector polis yg cedera parah nama dia shingo izumi.ankh telah mencuri core medal greed yg lain.sejak menjadi ooo,eiji sedar erti sebenar sebuah kehidupan.

Masa aku tgk citer ni ooo bnyk form,basic form dia adalah tatoba combo:hawk,tiger and hoper.than pertarungan ngan uva mendapatkan dia bentuk gatakiriba combo:stag beetle,mantis dan hopper dan dia dpt bentuk ratoratah:lion,tiger ngan cheetah.tp dlm kamen rider x kamen rider ooo n w feat skull:movie war core 2011,oo dpt bentuk warna putih mungkin dr core medal greed yg slow bdn besar cam badak tu.soo ni jela yg aku leh citer sbb aku baru ade dvd dia ep1-6

op kr ooo ni tajuk dia anything goes best gak lagu dia.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Penat sioooooooot!dh hampir 2minggu wa praktikal kat marriot putrajaya ni.perhhhhh wa dh la bidang culinary arts tp xde department kitchen yg kosong dlm 2minggu ni,nk x nk terima jela tawaran department laundry,tetiap hari aku jumpa kain,bedsheet dan pelbagai mesin basuhla dikatakan dan tetiap hari benda tu dok ngadap aku!nasib baik la makan minum ditanggung x yah aku kuar duit beli makan.kuar duit tuk minyak motor jep.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Agak melampau gak la

Bagi org x dpt menerima perubahan,ko ingt semua benda dan manusia akan kekal sama sampai bebila?ko silap bro.klu ko x dpt terima hakikat yg semua org berubah,pergi mati la wei,org cam ko mati pun dunia still berputar la!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

let having fun in this life

let's all having fun in this life yo! whatever happen life must goes on!don't just stand in the middle!just keep walking to the front!life sometime is cruel that not meant we must gave up.

there a question for you all!

"why we fall?"

life not always so beautiful and sugar rain and rainbow above your head.we all just live for once,so don't waste your life,enjoy while you all still breathing,enjoy while you can,find your way,find what you want in this life.don't just stand complaint,crying,anger because you fail in this life.there a long road to us all to explore,too see many new thing.be gratefull!one day what you all experience in past will become thing that mature you.

the answer for that question is

"why we fall?"
answer: "becuase we learnt how to pick ourself up!"

remember that!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

ntah la,xtau nk tulis pe

Aku tulis blog pada hari ni di rumah anuar,kawan aku bersama lg sorang yakni afith a.k.a kayu.

Aku skang ni dalam cuti sem selama sebulan setengah la gitu sementara menunggu utk melapor diri pd 29.11.2010 di marriott putrajaya selama 6bulan.

Sementara aku cuti ni bnyk gak aku hbskan masa dgn bermain game dan tv.

Game yg aku main buat masa sekarang ialah naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm2,mmg gempak siot style battle terutama boss battle nine tail vs pain,selain itu aku main game action yakni ninja gaiden sigma 2 dan sengoku basara samurai heroes,kedua game ni mmg gempak gak la.aku cadang nk beli resident evil5 hari isnin ni,oooommg kering duit bank aku.cuti ni bnyk aku beli game senyap senyap,bahaya ni,alert alert alert,A.S.A.P.

HAHAHHA jumpa di lain hari k.(kebosanan melayan final fantasy13 ni)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



"Nomura Shares a Few Final Fantasy Versus XIII Bits at Twitter

The director has been checking up on battles, events and maps."

Tetsua Nomura got into one of those moods earlier today and made a few posts about Final Fantasy Versus XIII at The 3rd Birthday Twitter.

Wrote Nomura, "Yesterday, we had meetings about three sections -- maps, events and battles. For the map section, I checked the problem areas that had been fixed. The staff had gone beyond the requests and and filled them with playful elements. I put in orders for additional areas as well."

Nomura's got a bit specific about what he was checking on the maps:

  • The look of a forest that you can see once you've cleared a narrow mountain path.
  • Things that are required when leaving the city by moving on the roofs of buildings.
  • The positioning of the bookshelves in shops
  • How flags are standing
  • How the sea is handled on the world map
  • The roads you can see from the air ship
  • The length of bridges

Regarding events, Nomura said he can't say too much without providing spoilers. He's checking such things as:

  • The look on a character during a short cut in a scene where he or she is leaving.
  • Explanation of a fathers feelings during a conversation scene.
  • The areas that they want to have connected seamlessly, and the areas that they want to connect via cuts.
  • Explanations about the heroines movements.

For both of these areas, Nomura was attempting to convey that the check work goes down to detailed levels.

Regarding battles, Nomura checked up on menu areas yesterday. "We're doing lots of trial and error on this. When you say Final Fantasy, you think of enemy damage figures flying out and showing player HP. What will we do with these in the action-heavy Versus?"

Outside of the direct Versus XIII bits, Nomura provided an update about future Twitter activity. Dissidia won't be getting its own Twitter, he said. They're currently looking at the possibility of opening up Twitter feeds for FF Agito XIII and Versus XIII, although he noted that if these existed they would probably be closer to the Kingdom Hearts Twitter where, unlike The 3rd Birthday Twitter, there wouldn't be as many comments from the development staff.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

FINAL FANTASY VERSUS 13 DAN game lain yang aku suka!

Ok,skang ni aku tengah tunggu FINAL FANTASY VERSUS13 keluar.aku x tau bila jadi kena tunggu info dari frenz gamefaq aku.diorang cakap akan ada info pasal release datenya di TGS nanti.Game ni menggunakan battle play yang sama cam kingdom hearts,tapi jalan citer yang ni lebih gelap.Ia sebahagian daripada fabula novalis crystallist project yang dijalankan dan 1 darinya dah pun keluar yakni FINAL FANTASY 13 dan FINAL FANTASY AGITO13 utk psp yang dalam pembikinan.

Game ni akan mengembalikan kegemilangan final fantasy yang lalu cam 7,8,9.dengar citer bakal ade 7 bandar dalam game ni dan map pula jenis open field,ade airship dan pelbagai,tapi aku x kisah sangat pasal tu.

Yang aku kisah sangat ialah final boss nanti,aku harap final boss ade motif yang clear utk hero kita hapuskan,motif yang triggered event dala versus13 nanti.aku kecewa boss terakhir final fantasy13 iaitu orphan x de motif utk lawan hero ff 13.aku x suka final boss yang keluar entah dari mana hanya semata-mata adalah final battle.

Nama hero versus13 kite ialah noctis,satu-satunya hero ff yang hampar menyamai cloud dan squal tp yang ni bakal menandingi cloud coz ni satu-satunya hero ff yang boleh menyeru pelbagai jenis senjata utknya gunakan dalam battle,wat masa sekarang nomura hanya tunjukkan 1 weapon sahaja,senjata lain belum ditunjukkan lagi,klu x caya tgk trailer dia.banyak siot senjata noctis pakai.

Oh lagi satu,aku dengar game ni hanya exclusive untuk ps3 je.

Yang ni game baru yang aku main sejak kebelakangan,game rpg fate/stay night tapi tajuk dia FATE/EXTRA jalan citer x de kena mengena dengan FATE/STAY NIGHT.player boleh pilih 1 antara 3 servant yang ditawarkan yakni SABER,ARCHER N CASTER.gameplay cam persona sikit.memang gempak la game ni,wat aku lupa utk tidur,makan,aku cuma berhenti utk mandi dan minum je.hahahaha.memang best rugi sape yang belum main.
Game ni khas hanya utk psp je!.

Ok game PERSONA3 memang hebat,lagutheme memang gempak dan lagu backgroung game pun hebat memmang gampak la game.first time aku main game ni susah gila la main.

Sekarang ni dah keluar PERSONA3 PORTABLE khas untuk psp,aku dah main pspnye memang hebat coz korang boleh guna chatacter female dan lihat dari view point character female ni,klu main charcter male,jalan citer ikut yang asal la.tp penamat dia masih hebat.

Penamat yang bittersweet dia memang sedih.character utama mati akhir sekali kerana dia guna nyawa dia utk seal nyx dari mmemusnahkan manusia.PERSONA3 FES lak ada special PERSONA3 yang asal coz ade sequel dia yakni "the answer",dalam the answer korang dah x pegang character utama tapi korang pegang character aigis,heroin kepada hero PERSONA3,domana aigis mencari jawapan atas kematian charatcer utama dan akhirnya dia tahu yang character utama mati kerana menggunakan nyawanya sebagai seal dan menjadi dinding pemisah antara nyx dan manusia.

Yang ini pula game PERSONA4,jalan citer dia lak selepas PERSONA3 tapi kali berbeza dengan PERSONA3.klu persona3 mempunyai tema yang agak gelap,yang ni tema dia agak ceria sedikit dan jalan citer dia lak cam x masuk akal sangat.

Ia bermula pabila character utama kena tinggal bersama pakciknya di pekan yang kecil dan terpinggir dari bandar besar,jika dalam persona3 korang kena halang shadow yang muncul pada dark hour dan kena explore tartarus tower yang ada 264 tingkat kali ni,hero kite n gang dia kena explore dalam rancangan tv yang pelik ia disiarkan pada tengah malam tatkala kabus tebal,dalam rancangan tersebut macam rancangan talk show sikti la.dan kendian org yang muncul dalam rancangan tersebut akan mati!.

Jadi misi kena selamatkan org yang masuk dalam rancangan tv pelik sebelum kabus tebal muncul.satu cara utk selamatkan mangsa ialah dengan masuk kedalam tv.BETUL ade dungeon dalam tv tu.tula pasal,klu x mangsa tersebut akan mati didunia sebenar!

Yang ni pulak pasal crisis core,korang de main? korang ingat cutscene selepas kalah genesis?zack duduk genesis kat kerusi,cloud kat tepi genesis dan lelaki yang tukar wajah dia jadi wajah angeal.pastu genesis ade cakap kat zack iaitu "gift of the goddes!" pastu zack jawab "sorry i'm not the real one"

Korang ingat poem yang genesis selalu baca?ade satu ayat yakni....

The infinite mystery The gift of the goddess is what the three men seek
But their fates are scattered by war

One becomes a hero, one wanders the land
And the last is taken prisoner
But the three are still bound by a solemn oath
To seek the answer together,
once again

Senang citer zack mewakili sephiroth,dan lelaki yang berwajah cam angeal mewakili angeal(sorry x ingat nama dia) genesis,angeal dan zack/sephiroth berkumpul bersama dan impian genesis adalah utk sephiroth merasai banora apple.tu je sebenarnya.

Korang ingat game PARASITE EVE ps1 punye.character utama yakni AYA BREA akan muncul semula tapi bukan sequel parasite eve yang baru tapi game 3rd birthday,square enix merancang untuk menjadikan aya brea sebagai character utama utk game yang baru ni.ia bukan lagi game parasite eve tapi game baru yang menampilkan aya brea dan square merancang utk menjadi 3rd birthday sebagai trilogi(ade episode/part).

Kali ni aya akan menentang makhluk dari masa depan yang digelar sebagai twisted!.

Gambar diatas ni character utama yakni aya brea dari parasite eve dalam game baru 3rd birthday khas untuk pengguna PSP sahaja.genre rpg ni


Saturday, July 10, 2010


OK GUYS!!lama kite tidak berjumpa,ya la blog aku macam x bersentuh!!sorry la,aku x berapa sihat n kena banyak assignment kena wat!!

Tajuk:8july 2010,apa yang aku buat dan apa yang aku lihat!!

YEZZAAAAA!!kenapa dengan 8july??tarikh keramat ke??tarikh lahir ke??tarikh kahwiN??jauh sekali!!tarikh dapat awek??hahahah x berminat lagi la!!

sebenarnya takde pepun!!saje je,aku nak citer pasal pe yang berlaku pd 8july ni!!

Ia bermula apabila trailer predators keluar dikaca tv,soooo aku excited la.........fullamak!!

Dalam blog aku yang terdahulu,aku pernah beritau yang aku mula meminati predator pd usia 7tahun,tu filem pertama aku!bermula dengan predator1 yang dibintangi pelakon "i'll be back" iaitu arnie/arnold schwarzeneggar dimana ia berkisar tentang hero kite dutch dengan pasukan askarnye menjalankan misi utk menyelamat minister cabinet yang diculik tp mereka tidak tau yang mereka diperhatikan oleh makhluk asing predator.dalam citer ni arnie de kata "if it's bleed,we can kill it!!" ayat otai tu!!

OOOYEAAAH!!KEMUDIAN!!predator2 lak tp otai kite arnie bukan watak utama,tp digantikan dengan dany glover,sape yang pernah tgk lethal weapon kenal la sape dia,kli ni predator berada di los angeles utk memburu mangsanya,FUUUUUUUUUUULAMAK BNYK DARAH,BANYAK BUNUH,BANYAK KEGANASAN!!SEMUA BANYAKLA!!di akhir citer danny glover lak kata"don't worry,you get another chance!!"hahaha maksudnye ade sequel lg lani!!


PREDATORS arahan robert rodriguez membawa kite kealam yang menggerunkan dari avp dan avp2 dan predator1 dan predator2,kali ni "they'll are the most dangerous killers in planet,this time it's not our planet"yezzaaaa faham maksud tu??x faham??lembap tul la dia nak beritau jalan citer kali ni bukan di planet bumi tp...............ni yang aku nak citer ni.

HERO kite yakni royce sorang askar upahan/merceneries terperangkap disebuah hutan bersama HEROIN kite isabelle dan beberapa org yang ganas yakni pembunuh bersiri,perogol,russian special op dan pelbagai,akhirnya mereka menemui jawapan bahawa mereka berada di planet yang jauh daaaaaaariiiiiii BUMI!!ya jauh dari BUUUUUUUUUMI!!mereka ditangkap oleh baka baru predator sebagai binatang pemburuan utk predator buru,akhir sekali royce membebaskan predator yang ditangkap oleh predator jenis baru tp predator ni x bunuh royce sebaliknya tolong dia.

Nak menyedapkan citer,predator baik lawan predator jahat,jahat menang,baik kalah sampai kepala dia kena penggal,hero royce x jadi naik pesawat,dia p tolong heroin isabelle tu,royce lawan ngan predator jahat,hentam yang jahat pakai kapak n penggal kepala DIA!!akhirnya 2orang je hidup!!and then datang lak mangsa baru utk sertai pemburuan yang baru!!

ROYCE cakap "let's find a way out from this fucking planet!!"hahahaha otai tu,hero kite tangkas n kuat,jangan ingat predator je ade kat planet tu,predator juga tangkap makhluk asing lain utk para predator ni buru!!


ANYWAY NI PESAN AKU "xkira berapa besar makhluk tu,manusia sentiasa menang!!apsal lak??pasal manusia ade survival instict lg kuat dr makhluk lain,ade adreneline cam tu la!!human always win!!"lagi 1,citer ni x sesuai oleh mereka yang sakit jantung,mengandung dan bawah 18tahun sbb lagi ganas dr yg 1 n 2,bnyk ayat fuck!!and lucah sikit,x banyak pun sikit je,bukan lucah tut tp banyak ayat lucah tu je hahaha.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hari ini aku pergi menonton movie toy story3,aku pergi selepas hbs kolej petang tadi,sampai rumah kul 5ptg td,aku bertolak kul5.15ptg dan sampai ke jusco tepat kul 6ptg,waktu tayangan bermula pada pukul 6.15ptg nasib baik tggl 3 kerusi kosong je,aku pilih kerusi bahagian tgh.

Movie kali ini boleh dikatakan memang mengagumkan bahkan boleh menyentuh setiap aspek emosi kite semua kerana ia mengabungkan kesemua elemen dalam 1masa seperti marah,sedih,gembira,lawak,persahabatan,saling membantu,cinta dan kesetiaan.

Ia bermula dimana pemilik kesemua alat permainan ini iaitu andy kini sudah berusia 18tahun dan bakal ke kolej,pada saat andy ingin menyimpan permainannya,ibunya tersalah buang dan menderma mereka ke sunnyside day care,tempat yang dipenuhi dengan budak yang tidak mengetahui erti permainan yang sebenar,kite akan diperkenalkan dengan watak patung beruang yang jahat bernama lotso yang mengawal kesemua permainan disunnyside.

Pada mulanya mereka beranggapan andy tidak mahu mereka lagi akan tetapi hanya woody yang masih mempercayai andy dan meninggalkan kawan mereka disunny side,woody cuba kembali ke pangkuan andy,manakala kawan woody yang lain tersilap jangkaan hinggalah mata sebelah mrs.potato yang tertinggal di rumah andy ternampak yang andy sedang mencari mereka.woody kembali ke sunnyside selepas mengetahui kisah gelap lotso dan cuba menyelamatkan kawannya.

Kite juga akan dilihat buzz lightyear yang tertukar personaliti dan mejadi buzz versi sepanyol,bercakap bahasa sepanyol and boleh menari tarian sepanyol tu,bahkan kite dijamu dengan buzz jatuh cinta terhadap jessie(percintaan antara koboi dengan angkasawan tu!!)

Pada akhirnya andy menyerahkan para permainan tersebut kpd seorng budak yang menganggap permainan sebagai kawan dan ia mengingatkan andy semasa beliau kecil,dengan berat hati andy menyerahkan permainannya kpd bonnie termasuklah permainan kesayangannya woody,menganggap bonnie mampu menjaga permainannya dengan penuh kasih sayang,sebelum berangkat pergi kolej andy dan bonnie bermain permainan tersebut sebelum perpisahan andy.

Toy story3 ini mengajar kite sesuatu yang paling penting dalam kehidupan kite yang kadang kala kite x sedar kerana ia adalah sesuatu yang kecil,yang kecil tersebut amatlah bermakna.Ia mengajar kite bahawa barang permainan yang kite miliki sejak kecil dan sebagai sampah apabila kite makin meningkat dewasa,kite lupa bahawa alat permainan yang kite selalu bermain bersama,tidur bersama adalah rakan baik kite semasa kecil.itulah ape yang cuba toy story3 cuba sampaikan,ia jua mengajar kite bahawa menghargai alat permainan kite kerana alat permainan adalah utk dimain bukan dirosakkan ia boleh menjadi sebahagian dari memori kite.

Cuba kite letakkan diri kite sebagai woody dan rakan-rakannya,walaupun mereka menerima hakikat yang andy semakin dewasa tp mereka berharap yang suatu hari mereka mungkin dimainkan oleh anak andy,dan woody yakin yang andy masih sayangkan mereka.

Disitu kite melihat yang permainan juga mempunyai perasaan mereka sendiri walaupun mereka dibuat dari plastik walaupun mereka tidak mampu bercakap kite dan mereka juga pernah menjadi rakan baik mahupun rakan sepermainan kite.

Filem ni memang mampu membuat kite terkenang permainan pertama yang kita dapat.ia membuat aku terkenang akan patung mickey mouse yang mak aku belikan utk aku,aku selalu bermain dengan patung mickey tp patung mickey aku hilang.aku miliki dari kecil hingga masa umur 9tahun.lihat filem ni memang mampu membuat kite terkenang alat permainan kite yang pertama walaupun kite mungkin telah melupainya kerana hal tersebut sudah lama berlalu.

Aku dulu memang banyak permainan dari power ranger,ultraman dan permainan toy story dr mcd serta kfc punye dulu sampai mencecah hampir 400 hingga lah ayah aku memberikannya pada sepupu di kampung ia membuat aku rasa sedih sangat,aku menghargai permainan aku hinggalah sekarang walaupun sudah tiada lagi kerana setiap benda walaupun kite menganggapnya seperti sampah tp kite lupa bahawa permainan yang rosak dan tidak berguna berkongsi memori manis kite semasa kite kanak kanak dan alat permainan adalah rakan yang memahami kite lebih dari rakan yang kite kenali,bukan setakat permainan sahaja,semua benda berkongsi kewujudan dan memori kite,hargailah kerana ia mungkin boleh diwarisi oleh anak-anak kite dan menjadi sahabat baik mereka kelak.


p/s:terkenang zaman kanak kanak dulu,zaman kanak kanak memang best,koleksi yang aku paling sayang walaupun dh xde lg,koleksi mickey mouse dr mcd,koleksi toy story2 dr mcd dan koleksi power ranger dr mcd

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Prologue (Poem)
When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting

Act I (Poem)
Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess
We seek it thus, and take to the sky
Ripples form on the water's surface
The wandering soul knows no rest.

Act II (Poem)
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the goddess
Hero of the dawn, Healer of worlds

Dreams of the morrow hath the shattered soul
Pride is lost
Wings stripped away, the end is nigh

Act III (Poem)
My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?
All that awaits you is a somber morrow
No matter where the winds may blow

My friend, your desire
Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess

Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return

Act IV (Poem)
My friend, the fates are cruel
There are no dreams, no honor remains
The arrow has left the bow of the goddess

My soul, corrupted by vengeance
Hath endured torment, to find the end of the journey
In my own salvation
And your eternal slumber

Legend shall speak
Of sacrifice at world's end
The wind sails over the water's surface
Quietly, but surely

Act V (Poem)
Even if the morrow is barren of promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

Act I (Interpreted)
The infinite mystery
The gift of the goddess is what the three men seek
But their fates are scattered by war

One becomes a hero, one wanders the land
And the last is taken prisoner

But the three are still bound by a solemn oath
To seek the answer together, once again

Act II (Interpreted)
Though the prisoner escapes, he is gravely wounded
His life is saved, however
By a woman of the opposing nation

He begins a life of seclusion with her
Which seems to hold the promise of eternal bliss

But as happiness grows, so does guilt
Of not fulfilling the oath to his friends

Act III (Interpreted)
As the war sends the world hurtling towards destruction
The prisoner departs with his newfound love
And embarks on a new journey

He is guided by hope that the gift will bring bliss
And the oath that he swore to his friends

Though no oath is shared between the lovers
In their hearts they know they will meet again

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Selepas hal kemalangan tersebut selesai,aku kembali meneruskan perjalanan ku(pehh!!"perjalanan"tu bunyi dah macam decade lak!!)sesampai dirumah aku terus citer pasal tu kat mak aku n aku citer pasal karate kid tu gak.

Haaaa,nak tau benda penting pe yang aku nak beritau tu??

Inilah dia!!dvd kamen rider x kamen rider decade n double movie war2010,akhirnya dah kuar pun macam dah selamanya aku menunggu.


Kuar akhirnya!!movie ni merangkumi 3 bahagian,ok,meh aku terangkan ke3 bahagian tu.


Yang ni sambungan dalam episode terakhir dalam series, ni dimana semua rider cuba membunuh decade,dan decade dh dpt bentuk fury(muka dia lain sikit tu je)semua rider mati ditangan decade dan akhirnya hanya tggl kuuga,decade menewaskan kuuga,kemudian dtg natsumi utk menghalang tsukasa dengan bertukar menjadi kamen rider kivala.......mereka bertarung.................dan akhirnya decade mati.............YA!!DECADE MATI!!DUNIA RIDER kembali keadaan asal.tp dai shocker bangkit dan cuba menawan dunia,natsumi,yuusuke/kuuga dan kaito/diend cuba menghidupkan tsukasa/decade dan akhirnya berjaya,mereka bertarung dengan shocker dan semua rider dr dunia lain dtg membantu,kemudia mammoth cyborg menyerang decade dan............................................................................................................


Kamen Rider Double:Begins Night

Citer bermula pada christmas eve,shotaro teringatkan mentornya sokichi narumi,kemudian shotaro dan philip dikejutkan dengan kes simati hidup semula,mereka bertemu dengan dopant death yang mengatakan dia boleh hidupkan simati,mereka terkejut melihat sokichi dihadapan shotaro,sokichi ialah kamen rider skull!!di dlm citer ni kite akan tahu bagaimana double wujud dan juga sedikit psl sokichi.diakhir pertarungan dopant death bukan death tp dopant dummy,dummy melarikan dan double mengejarnya................................dan..................

Kamen rider x Kamen rider decade n double:movie war 2010

Decade terselamat dr cyborg mammoth dan double mengejar dummy dan dunia mereka bertembung,dummy bergabung dengan neo organism,teramatla sukar lebih lebih lagi dengan kapal dari kamen rider black rx(kapal org jahat yg cam semut tu)decade menyeru semua rider dan tukarkan mereka menjadi final form ride.decade menggunakan kad double,double terpisah 2 iaitu kepada cyclone cyclone dan joker joker,mereka menggunakan rider kick utk mengalahkan neo dummy,akhir sekali tsukasa memberi kad kamen rider skull kpd shotaro sebelum hilang ditelan dimension wall,shotaro bertemu dengan shokichi dr dimensi lain,ia memberitahu yang shotaro sesuai memakai topi tersebut dan berharap berjumpa lg.

semua rider kembali ke dunia mereka,shotaro n philip kembali ke bandar futo dan tsukasa kembali ke hikari studio dan mula memula kisah pengembaraan kerana pengembaraan ke dunia lain adalah dunia tsukasa.





Selepas aku selesai menonton wayang,aku balik,masa tu dalam kul 9.20 camtula,dalam perjalanan balik,aku melalui jalan biasa aku lalui,dh la jalan tu x de lampu,gelap lak tu.tetiba aku terdengar jeritan orang meminta tolong,pada mulanya aku malas nak berhenti tp jeritan tersebut semakin kuat kedengaran soo aku berhenti dan pusing aku terkejut melihat sepasang suami isteri kemalangan,kereta pasangan tersebut terjerumus kedalam ladang pokok getah.

Aku meminta tolong dr orang lain,tp xde sape yang berhenti nasib baik ade abang tu berhenti,dia kemudiannya pergi mencari org utk menhantar pasangan pakcik dan makcik tersebut ke hospital,15minit menunggu akhir dtg abg tersebut bersama polis,aku menunggu sehingga la ambulan sampai.

HARI INI.........PART2

Selepas hujan berhenti aku bertolak ke seremban,destinasi aku yang pertama adalah terminal1 adalah untuk mencari game baru utk psp aku dan lihat mana game ps3 baru yang aku berkenan,tp x de satu pun game ps3 yang aku berkenan,aku beli psp game god eater je.

Ya game ni la yang aku beli,tp jap version la,style gameplay cam monster hunter tp yang ni ade jln citer dia,senjata lg smart la.pastu aku membuat keputusan utk menonton wayang citer karate kid lakonan jaden smith dan jackie chan.

sebelum tu ade benda aku nak tunjuk tp bukan skang la,kat blog lain la k.

aku bertolak ke jusco sebab dah xde pe nak dicari kat terminal1,jusco terletak di seremban2.sampai disana,aku melihat karate kid mula 6.45ptg full la,bile sampai giliran aku ke kaunter...............TAADAAAAAA,MY LUCKY!!nasib baik tggl 1 tempat kosong so rembatla.
Jackie chan melakonkan watak seorang guru kungfu dengan begitu mantap,berkesan dan gempak,masa tgk,aku mengigil kesejukan sbb baju lembap tp aku teruskan menonton hingga ke akhirnya.

Watak budak perempuan cina tu nampak comel siot cam watak adik kamen rider kabuto iaitu sayori tp bukan kabuto asal tp kabuto dalam decade la.

Kemudian aku balik.


Hari ni aku kat kolej kena tukar account utk ptptn aku,dri account bank muamalat tukar ke bank islam,bukan aku je semua orang kena,memang banyak hal tulla.

Aku habis kelas dalam kul 12,kemudian aku menuju balik kerumah,dalam perjalanan balik,cuaca amatlah indah dan aku berhenti sebentar di shell utk menghilangkan kepenatan dengan membeli sebotol air tropicana twister apple utk diri aku demi menghilangkan dahaga dan kepenatan.fuuhhhh!!!segar semula.

sesampai dirumah,aku rehatkan diri aku dengan bermain psp kesayangan aku,psp aku tu ibarat nyawa ke2 aku,klu rosak memang sedihlah!!aku ni memang heartsless,hati dingin/kering susah nak nangis,klu psp aku rosak memang aku nangis,tertumpah air mata aku di bumi ni.aku main dalam kul2-3.30ptg.

Game yang aku main x bukan dan x lain ialah.........ala game kegemaran aku tu!!

YA!!KINGDOM HEARTS BIRTH BY SLEEP!!dalam blog yang terdahulu,aku beritau aku tengah main char ventus lak.

Masa tengah main,rasa bosan lak,terfikir nak pegi seremban,aku stop playing psp aku dalam kul3.30 dan membuat keputusan utk pergi seremban.tp yang malangnya dalam perjalanan pergi hujan lebatlak,basah kuyup aku dibuatnya,terpaksa berteduh,ramai penunggang motor berteduh masa hujan td.

Kesian tul aku =(

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Aku Baru Habis Jalan Citer Terra

Phew finally aku habis gak jalan citer bagi character terra dalam kingdom hearts birth by sleep dalam normal mode la,nnt keluar us aku leh main sepuasnya semua mode.tp bos terakhir adalah terra sendiri,terra dirasuk master xehanort menjadi terra-xehanort,masa first lawan tu memang asyk k.o je,rupenya ade cara nak kalahkan dia,,kena guna banyak cura,guard dan counter attack je,klu attack x leh wat combo nnt dia reflect guard.

Korang mesti tertanya,aku guna terra tp bos terakhir lwn terra,jd char sape aku guna?ventus??aqua??semua salah,kena kawal baju perisai terra yang bentuk dia cam masked rider tu,ala korang pernah tgk secret ending kh2?yang ade 3 masked rider pki keyblade.

skang dh hbs jalan citer terra,skang ni aku main jalan citer ventus,pas hbs ventus baru main jln citer aqua.clone ventus nama dia vanitas muka dia cam sora sikit,camtu la.

tp yang susah nak unlock proud mode la ngan last episode,1 ayat jepun x faham tp menu faham la,dalam last episode terra xehanort sih hidup cuma dia cam amnesia sikit dia ingat dia adalah terra yang asal pd yg sama dia ingat dia adalah xehanort,kite kawal aqua tuk selamatkan terra,aqua korban kan keyblade dan perisai rider dia tuk selamatkan terra.

Aku baru tau sal pe perisai terra bergerak sendiri dan cuba lawan terra-xehanort coz sebahagian diri dan hati terra ade dlm tu,tuk melindungi pe yg penting bg dia!


OH MY GOD!!! 24 today is really become insane and more conflict,tony almeida betray his friend,jack bauer and now some large group want to launch large biological attack and put the blame on someone else,tony also part of the attack.

Look like all hope is on jack bauer,even his already infected by the biological weapon,that doesnt make him gave up,right now the fbi still investigate bout the large secret group that want to take over us government!

Jack has a permission to open ctu server look like fbi will become ctu for awhile now.

ctu??what that??come on you guys don't know,soo slow you guys,you all play counter strike??still don't know that??

ctu:counter terrorist unit

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Well even kingdom hearts birth by sleep is good game with 3 character to play.but square should add the 4th character,it's mickey mouse,the fans must be wondered how mickey got keyblade and why mickey train under master cid(if i correctly name of mickey teacher)the star seeker was first mickey first keyblade.

And now i know who xemnas,now i know who his true self.xemnas true self was terra,oh my god,terra that i played right now,yes that was terra,when xehanort stab his keyblade into his heart,his darkness heart combine and control terra.

maybe in kingdom hearts1 the final boss ansem maybe was terra heartsless,coz mickey told sora,when heart become heartless,the empty bodies will act by it own will and become nobodies,hmmmm,maybe mickey was prepared for something worse like heartless that why mickey go training.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Resonance of FATE..

Game ni memang hebat siot........cayalah kepada tri-ace kerana membawa keunikan rpg yang terbaru dalam ROF ni.jika kita lihat sebelum ni kebanyakan game rpg terdiri daripada elemen yang tidak asing dalam hidup kite ni seperti senjata berasaskan pedang,magik dan summon mahupun zaman pertengahan atau tamadun lama cam final fantasy1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12 dan 15 ataupun seperti game ys ataupun crimson gem saga.

Satu lagi yang penting yang perlu kite tahu ROF satu-satunya game yang tidak diterbit bawah square-enix tp sebaliknya ROF diterbitkan dibawah SEGA.

Tahap grafik game ni memang gempak termasuk grafik ketika cutscene memang letup habis boleh katakan melebihi final fantasy13(ni pandangan aku k)tp yang best gamers boleh customise kan costume setiap character bukan tu je setiap costume yang ditukar bentuknya juga akan di paparkan ketika cutscene dan battle,tidak spt sesetengah game rpg lain walaupun dimana setiap character akan namoak sama je,tp ROF cutscene memaparkan setiap character yang telah di custumise.sebagai contoh jika zephry gamers memakaikannya cermin mata hitam ia akan kekal dal cutscene gak.

Apa yang unik lagi ialah system battlenya,dimana ia agak complex dan mengambil masa untuk memahaminya tp bile lawan monster,musuh bergerak jika character bergerak,dan berhenti jika character berhenti jadi agak senang untuk gamers memikirkan strategi.system level up la tidak seperti game rpg dimana kite memperolehi exp selepas tamat perlawanan tp ROF memawa kelainan dimana exp ditentukan pada jumlah damage yang kite berikan pada musuh dan exp tersebut dilevel melalui weapon yang kite guna,klu nak cepat kena tukar-tukar weapon la

Yang bestnya game ni tiada unsur magik mahupun summon sebaliknya senjata yang digunakan oleh character ialah seperti hand gun,machine gun,grenade,molotov dan lain2,memang gempakla aksi menembak masa battle cam matriks siot.!

Ia mengambil masa untuk gamer memahami system damage dimana terdapat dua jenis damage iaitu direct damage dan scratch damage.

direct damage:serangan bersifat kekal(ala kite attack tolak hp)

scratch damage:ni dimana damage point nya tinggi dan tolak banyak nyawa tp bukan tolak nyawa cam direct,iakan akan sembuh jadi scratch boleh ditukar kepada direct dengan melancarkan serangan direct.

xfaham??ok camni

direct kekal:attack 100 kat musuh ia terus kekal,jenis senjata direct spt hand gun.

scratch tinggi:attack 1000 kat musuh tp nyawa dia x tolak ia akan sembuh.jenis senjata scratch hand grenade dan machine gun.

ok paham??jika nak tolak nyawa musuh banyak camni,guna scratch kemudia diikuti direct.

contoh:hand grenade/machine gun =1000(scratch) ->handgun=100(direct)=jumlah damage 1100,hp musuh tidak akan sembuh sebaliknya kekal psl kite dh diikuti dengan direct attack.

xpaham gak,korang kena main la yek.

Boleh kate game ni overall nya semuanya memuaskan,jalan citer yang menarik,dungeon yang unik.banyak bandar,mission dan npc memang cam rpg not arpg k.memang cambest la.

ok aku kena get lose la k,nak sambung main game ni balik la,tengah excited la.

p/s:walaupun excited dengan ROF ni,kingdom hearts masih lagi terrrrrexcited hahaha.

Pheww......Penat Tul!!!

Pheww.....memang penat tul aku main kingdom hearts yang baru ni,beberapa jam aku habiskan dengan farm level,farm skil,farm item dan duit serta dengan beberapa keyblade yang baru aku dapat malam tadi.memang agak penat laaa.

Sampaikan kat kolej tadi kawan aku leh cakap "hisyam ko ni memang giler games la!!"hahaha terkejut gak tp memang tul td kelas pengajian islam td pun aku main psp aku,nasib baik hari ni pengenalan jep jd belajar sedikit je,hahahah sampaikan ustaz aku tanya aku soalan pun aku x jawab la biasa la masa tu tengah khusyuk giler lawan boss kat dunia neverland yakni peter pan.ustaz aku siap cakap "la budak ni,aku ingat dia tido,rupenya games dia main,nasib baik hari pengenalan!!"hahahha ketawa kawan aku.

Tp kingdom hearts tu kasi rate 10/10(full star) rekaan character yang menarik,mini games pun best,plot jln citer yang cambest gempak tp character ventus memang dia recycle la dri roxas,hahahha cuma personaliti je lain.

Disebabkan hobi dan obsess terhadap permainan video,aku x kisah apa yang org lain katakan kat aku.oooo hari ni juga berpeluang main game ps3 yang baru aku pinjam dari kawan aku, rpg tu,tajuk dia ressonance of fate aku nak try la,rpg yang tiada menggunakan magik atau pedang tp menggunakan pistol,hand grenade dan machinegun!.


-Akira Darkness-

Saturday, June 5, 2010


(cover game kh:bbs)

Kingdom Hearts:Birth By Sleep/kh:bbs game yang aku baru beli hari ni kat terminal 1,game yang telah lama aku nantikan,tp apakan daya version us lum keluar hanya japanese version je yang aku main,nasib baik aku pernah main kingdom hearts1 dan kingdom hearts2 jadi agak senang nak faham menu dia.version us dijangka keluar hujung tahun ni x pun awal hujung tahun depan,mmg best game ni,style lawan dia stylo siot!!.

Player diberi 3 watak pilihan,hero handsome kite bernama terra,heroine cun kite bernama aqua dan budak baru kite iaitu sora/roxas roxas/sora bernama ventus,misi mereka adalah untuk mencari master xehanort yang hilang secara tetiba.

(screenshot kh:bbs aqua ngan terra)

(screenshot kh:bbs, aqua)

(screenshot kh:bbs,terra ngan xehanort)

(screen shot mickey ngan aqua)

(screen shot ventus ngan stitch)

Dalam game ni akan ade battle system yang baru dimana setiap attack akan di isi dalam attack bar apabila penuh character boleh buat finisher move,bila dibuat 2 kali finisher move character akan masuk dalam mode yang lebih kuat,cam terra akan memasuki fatal mode,aqua wishing mode bukan tu je akan ade system d-link dimana character boleh menggunakan kebolehan character lain.

Dalam game ni kite akan tahu cammana mickey mouse memperolehi keyblade dia yang pertama,waktu tu mickey berlatih dengan master cid seorang ahli sihir,sape yang pernah tgk mickey mouse movie magical kenalla sape master cid tu.

Macam biasa,spt kingdom hearts yang terdahulu,tema masih seperti dulu mengembara ke dunia disney,berjumpa watak disney dan final fantasy.dunia yang dikenal pasti dalam siri aru ni ialah snow white,stitch,cinderella dan bnyk lg(coz aku baru main,x hbs lg)

Game ni mmg best siot,ia menjadi terkenal diseluruh dunia apabila kingdom hearts pertama dilancarkan di pelantar ps2 dan kegilaan tersebut semakin menjadi apabila disusuli dengan sequel dia kingdom hearts2.

Bahkan kite akan tahu sedikit pasal nobody,ansem dan kingdom hearts!!

p/s:opening dia mmg cun!!grafik cgi sebijik cam advent children!!

Friday, June 4, 2010


(canaan,ryougi shiki and saber)

Well this time bout the famous character created by TYPE-MOON,you guys know right,the famous one saber from fate/stay night,if you guys still don't know go open wikipedia ok,other is ryougi shiki and canaan stil don't know??well it can't be help here.




Ok,let's get going first thfamous character from fate/stay night(well many character that famous in fsn but saber famous among men),she was known as arturia pendragon,18 years old if i'm correct.she wield a sword a excalibur,easy to make her angry,strict.

True Identity

Her full name is Arturia Pendragon, her creation as a character inspired by the legends of King Arthur. Arturia is the daughter of British King Uther PendragonIgraine, a former Duchess of Cornwall. At her nativity, Uther realizes his subjects will never accept a female as a legitimate ruler, and decides to not publicly announce Arturia's birth or gender. She is entrusted by merlin to a loyal knight,sir ector, who raises her as a surrogate son. When Arturia is fifteen, King Uther dies, and with no known eligible heir to the throne, Britain enters a period of turmoil following the growing threat of invasion by the saxons. Merlin soon approaches her, explaining that the British people will recognize her as a destined ruler if she withdraws Caliburn, a ceremonial sword embedded in a large slab of stone. However, pulling this sword is symbolic of accepting the hardships of a monarch, and Arturia will be responsible for preserving the welfare of her people. Without hesitation, and despite her gender, she draws Caliburn and shoulders Britain's mantle of leadership.

Arturia rules Britain from her stronghold in camelot, and earns the reputation of a just, yet distant king. Under the guidance of Merlin and with the aid of her Knights of Round Table, she guides Britain into an era of prosperity and tranquillity. Caliburn is destroyed, but Arturia soon acquires her holy sword, Excalibur, and Avalon, Excalibur's blessed sheath, from Vivian. While Avalon is in her possession, Arturia never ages and is immortal in battle.

Throughout her reign, Arturia is plagued by feelings of guilt and inferiority; she sacrifices her emotions for the good of Britain, yet many of her subjects become critical of her lack of humanity. Excalibur's scabbard is stolen while she repels an assault along her country's borders; when Arturia returns inland, she discovers Britain is being torn asunder by civil rest. Despite her valiant efforts to placate the dissent, Arturia is mortally wounded by a traitorous knight, a homunculus Mordred, during the Battle of Camlann. Her dying body is escorted to a holy isle by Morgan le Fay and Sir Bedivere. Arturia orders a grieving Bedivere to dispose of Excalibur by throwing it back to Vivian; in her absence, she reflects on her personal failures, regretting her life as king. Before her last breath, she appeals to the world; in exchange for services as a Heroic Spirit, she asks to be given an opportunity to relive her life, where someone more suitable and effective would lead Britain in her stead.


Saber destroyed the Holy Grail in the fourth Holy Grail War because Kiritsugu Emiya used a command seal (Reiju) in order to force her to act against her will. However, she only managed to destroy the Grail's physical form. Her only wish is to redo her life so that a better person would take her place as king of her country. In the Fate scenario, Shirō convinces Saber that she should accept her life for what it is rather than wishing to change her life. Saber only survives in the Unlimited Blade Works' good ending. In Fate and the Unlimited Blade Works true ending, she chooses to use Excalibur to destroy the Holy Grail.

In the Heaven's Feel scenario, Saber is consumed by darkness by Angra Mainyu and turns into Sakura's Servant, Saber Alter. Saber Alter is later defeated and killed by Shirō.

In Fate/hollow ataraxia, Saber continues to protect Shirō, though it seems their relationship has turned more towards Saber having the major control over the relationship with Shirō. She kills Archer when he attacks Shirō in one loop. In another loop, Saber is killed by Bazett's Fragrach when she tried to use Excalibur on Bazett. In the final loop of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, Saber aids Shirō/Avenger in reaching the Grail by fending off the mysterious monsters (which were in fact leftover parts of Avenger wishing to continue the loop) with other Heroic Spirits.


Fate/stay night chronicles a two-week period in the life of Shirō Emiya, an amateur mechanic who attends a school named Homurabara Gakuen in Fuyuki City. Ten years ago, Shirō was caught in a massive fire that incinerated his parents and consumed a large portion of the city; as he was dying, an enigmatic man discovers and treats him. This man, Kiritsugu Emiya, decides to adopt him, though the two maintain a distant relationship because of Kiritsugu's frequent departures from Fuyuki City. One moonlit night, Kiritsugu and Shirō had a discussion outside of their home, and Shirō discovers a fact about his father that Kiritsugu was actually a mage.

Through their conversation, Shirō learns of his foster father's failed life ambition to become a "Hero of Justice" (正義の味方 Seigi no Mikata?), a guardian of mankind who could protect the weak and innocent. Touched by Kiritsugu's conviction, Shirō affirms to his foster father that he intends to devote his life to achieving that distant ideal, much to Kiritsugu's chagrin. To do this, Shirō pleads with a begrudging Kiritsugu to teach him sorcery (魔術 Majutsu?); but being born without the capabilities of a magus, Shirō proves to be talentless in almost all the fundamental sorcerous disciplines.

Kiritsugu warns his son that the life of a sorcerer is one that leads to destruction, but if he is truly set on benefiting people, he should apply his knowledge in secret and hone his craft in private. After Kiritsugu dies, Shirō becomes frustrated with his progress, feeling inadequate about his good deeds through sorcery and is unsure of how to orient his future to contribute more.

Unknown to Shirō, Fuyuki City is the setting for a secret and violent war among competing magi. For the past two centuries, seven sorcerers have gathered and engage in a Battle Royale, each gambling his or her own life to obtain the Holy Grail, a legendary chalice capable of granting wishes. The past four Holy Grail Wars have typically occurred every sixty years, with the most recent concluding a decade ago, but the fifth war has started prematurely.

Each of the sorcerers, better known as Masters, is aided by one of the seven summoned spiritual familiars known as Servants, who are the reincarnations of legendary souls from all across time. These resurrected Epic Spirits (英霊 Eirei?), possess superhuman characteristics and wield powerful artifacts or abilities called Noble Phantasms (宝具 Hōgu?). A Noble Phantasm's hidden abilities may be released by invoking its true name, but casual brandishing of a Noble Phantasm is best avoided, for symbolic Noble Phantasms usually belie a Servant's identity, diminishing that Servant's competitive advantage. Specific legends may be summoned with the aid of catalysts, which are artifacts, ideas, or experiences similar or of value to the desired Servant. Only one Servant can be summoned in each war from one of seven classes: Saber, Archer, Lancer, Berserker, Rider, Assassin, and Caster.

As only astral entities (i.e. Servants) are physically capable of retrieving the Holy Grail, Master and Servant are forced to cooperate. Masters control Servants with three Command Mantra (令呪 Reiju?), which are crystallized miracles issued by the Holy Grail that manifest on a Master's body. When activated, Command Mantra permit a Servant to accomplish an incredible feat, or alternatively provide Masters with the authority to issue an irrevocable and absolute order to a Servant. When all three Command Mantras are used up, Servants are no longer obliged to serve their Masters, and as such, may freely choose to turn upon their ex-partner. In the event of a Master's demise, a Servant may choose to bind him or herself to another Master; if a Servant is slain, a Master may ally with a wayward Servant or pursue sanctuary with the Holy Grail War's impartial supervisor, who is traditionally a delegate of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Holy Grail materializes fully only when there is one Servant left standing; therefore, it is not necessary to vanquish Masters in order to win the war. However, as many Servants possess powerful Noble Phantasms and are grueling to defeat, many participants have chosen instead to eradicate Masters, who are responsible for maintaining a Servant's presence through the supplication of Mana.

After cleaning his school's kyūdō (archery) dojo late one night, Shirō stumbles upon two Servants, Archer and Lancer, battling in the school courtyard. To avoid compromising the war's secrecy, Lancer hunts down and pierces Shirō's heart with his Noble Phantasm Spear. Shirō is then discovered near death by Rin Tōsaka and because of his relationship with her sister Sakura Matō, she uses an heirloom filled with concentrated magic, Mana (魔力 Maryoku?), to restore his damaged heart and leaves before he awakens. Shaken and dazed, Shirō picks up the heirloom and returns home only to be assaulted a second time by Lancer. Shirō weakly defends himself against Lancer using posters he turns to metal with magic reinforcment, but is soon overwhelmed by the powerful Servant's attack, and is sent flying into his shed. Cornered, Shirō prepares for the worst; but before Lancer can inflict another fatal blow, a magical mark on Shirō's hand begins to light up and a summoning circle used previously by his foster father inside the shed begins to glow. A young woman clad in armor with an invisible sword is summoned and blocks Lancer's attack. After driving Lancer away from Shirō, she introduces herself as "Servant Saber".

Ok,then,next is ryougi shiki from kara no kyoukai,she kind of crazy and scary sometime funny

A teenaged girl, who possesses the "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", a supernatural ability that allows the user to see the inherent mortality of everything (both living and non-living) in the form of lines and a single point (which is the "origin" of the object) which is shown by having a rainbow-like color in her pupils. A cut along any line will bifurcate the object, no matter the sharpness of cutting tool used, and a stab at the point destroys the object's origin, causing instant death. She recently recovered from a two-year coma caused by a traffic accident. Prior to the traffic accident, she originally had two personalities, a male personality named SHIKI ( Shiki?), and the original female personality Shiki ( Shiki?). Children born into the Ryōgi family are generally male and are raised with two personalities, so the male personality is customarily called the "yang" personality, while the female is called the "yin" personality. It is easy to tell which Shiki is speaking at a given time because they both have a distinct style of speaking, most notably that the female Shiki refers to herself with the pronoun watashi (), while male SHIKI refers to himself as ore (オレ). After waking from her coma, Shiki discovers that she can no longer feel the male Shiki's presence and assumes that he died because of the accident. She also feels a detachment from her memories before the accident, and while she knows she is Shiki, she does not feel that she is. In the hopes of regaining herself and the "dead" Shiki, she puts on a cold façade that somewhat resembles the female Shiki's and tries to act as the male SHIKI did. Tōko understands the sense of detachment Shiki feels, but considers the current Shiki a third, new personality. She assists the Garan no Dō agency in handling paranormal cases when combat is required.

This anime not series but was make to 7 part movie.here the plot from all part.


Movie 1: Overlooking View

Timeline: September 1998

Mikiya Kokutō brings over some ice cream while visiting Shiki, but Shiki is not happy to see him and says that she does not like ice cream so she decides not to eat it. Afterwards, Shiki and Touko discuss the recent spate of unusual suicide incidents where several high school girls fell to their death, but left no suicide note and had apparently no reason to commit suicide. Tōko concludes that the girls did not intend to die. At night, Shiki visits the deserted part of town containing the Fujō buildings which have now fallen into disrepair and are about to be demolished, and while there stumbles upon the body of newest victim. She also notices several ghostly figures floating above the Fujō building.

The next day, Shiki discusses the building with Tōko, as she can feel something abnormal about it. Tōko suggests that the figures are records and memories of the victims who have died so far but have for some reason not dissipated into the world. In the afternoon, Shiki is walking outside when another victim falls to her death. Deciding to take action, Shiki visits the Fujō building at sunset and battles a mysterious apparition that manages to take control of Shiki's left arm and tries to choke her to death with it. Using her mystic eyes, Shiki destroys her arm which is revealed to be a puppet arm that Tōko created for her. While the arm is being repaired, Shiki eats the ice cream that Kokutō bought using her remaining arm. The next day, Shiki takes back the repaired and improved arm, returns to the Fujō building and destroys all the floating figures and the apparition, who attempts to use her power of suggestion to make Shiki fall. It has no effect on her because she never had interest in such things.

Afterwards, Kirie Fujō awakes in her physical body on her hospital bed after being killed by Shiki in her spiritual body. Touko walks in and asks why she did it, Fujō replies that she didn't intend to make them fall, she just wanted to make friends with them, and so called to them, as she was stuck in the hospital with an incurable condition ever since she could remember. After Touko leaves, Fujō decides that the moment of her death when she was killed by Shiki was the most that she has ever felt alive, and wanted to relive that feeling. She wheels herself to the roof of the Fujō building, where she commits suicide by falling from the roof. Kokutō wakes up, feeling as if he had slept for a very long period of time, and Shiki demands that he stay over at her house to finish the ice cream he bought. In the Epilogue, Touko is walking near the Fujō building with Azaka Kokutō, where Fujō's corpse has been found. Touko comments that she just probably could not fly today.

Movie 2: Murder Speculation (Part 1)

Timeline: August 1995 - March 1996

Mikiya first meets Shiki in a white kimono during a snowing day. Later on, at the high school freshmen ceremony, Mikiya sees Shiki in the crowd and chases after her, introducing himself to her. At night, Shiki stumbles onto a fresh corpse of someone killed in a traffic accident, the blood still flowing. Kneeling, she applies the blood on her lips as lipstick and smiles. At school the next day, Mikiya discusses Shiki's choice of dress, a kimono, stating that it must be cold. Shiki replies that she will simply wear something over it when it gets colder, and Mikiya suggests a jacket. Shiki later on takes Mikiya's suggestion and buys her trademark red leather jacket. At night, a man stumbles as he runs in fear from an unseen attacker, who kills him brutally with a knife. The next day, Mikiya tells Shiki about the murder, saying he has an inside source as the murder is not on the news yet but Shiki is displeased that Mikiya is talking about something like that during lunch.

The police discover the fourth corpse, the school reacts to the news by prohibiting all after school activities. Shiki is one of the few people left in the school by this time, but bumps into someone she does not know, who reprimands her by asking her if four times isn't too much, even if she is irritated. Shiki refuses to reply. It is raining outside, and as Shiki waits at the entrance, Mikiya comes up behind her and offers her an umbrella. Startled, Shiki refuses, saying she has someone coming to pick her up. The two wait there in silence, until Shiki can no longer stand it and suddenly asks Mikiya where he was the whole time, and he replies saying that he was in holding a farewell party for an upperclassman, Lio Shirazumi, that was dropping out of school because he found something to do. Mikiya invited Shiki as well, but Shiki did not think he was serious. At night, Shiki finds the fifth corpse, but simply remarks "the fifth one" emotionally.

Shiki has a duel with her father, using real katanas, but loses. Her servant, Akitaka, remarks that Shiki is the real successor of the family, over her male brother, an unusual move as the male is the successor in traditional Japanese families. This is because only Shiki inherited the special multiple personality of the Ryōgi family who in her case, is male and Shiki wraps herself in bandages to hide her femininity. During lunch break, Mikiya's friend from the judo club, Gakuto, quizzes him about the rumor that he is going out with Shiki. He admits that he does like her, but they are only friends. Later on, Mikiya finds a letter in his desk from Shiki asking him out on a date. Shiki shows up, but talks and behaves in a boyish manner, leaving Mikiya confused. Over a meal, SHIKI, the male personality, writes out two different spellings, Shiki (式) and SHIKI (織), and explains that he is the rebellious impulse of Shiki, but lately they have been out of sync, whatever Shiki likes, SHIKI does not, and vice-versa.

Mikiya has dinner with his cousin, Daisuke, who is a detective and is investigating the recent murders. He reveals that they have obtained a recent clue, Mikiya's school emblem was found at the latest murder scene. After school, SHIKI has a frank talk with Mikiya, warning him that Shiki will try to kill anything that opens up her isolation with the world. The next day, Mikiya still offers to eat lunch with Shiki, leaving her perplexed. At lunch, Mikiya notices a bandaged injury on Shiki's left arm, who admits that she got it during the last killing. Mikiya doesn't believe her, but Shiki warns him again that if he doesn't back off, she will probably end up killing him. Mikiya once again has Daisuke over for dinner, who reveals that they found the killer's skin underneath the victim's fingernails, and that the killer probably has an injury around the elbow, the location that Shiki had bandaged. Panicking, Mikiya dashes out to Shiki's mansion in the bamboo grove, but Shiki is apparently not in. While walking around in the grove, Mikiya finds Shiki, drenched in blood in front of a fresh headless corpse spurting blood. As the blood splatters onto Shiki standing there in a trance, Shiki turns and smiles at Mikiya. Walking up to the terrified Mikiya, Shiki smiles and says "Be careful Kokutou-kun. A terrible premonition tends to attract a terrible reality."

After the cops find the crime scene, Mikiya pretends to not have seen anybody, but secretly goes back to keep watch on Shiki's house every night, and is easily spotted by Akitaka as he does not do a very good job of keeping hidden. This keeps up until Shiki loses her patience and has another talk with Mikiya, who still refuses to believe she is the killer, and she then asks him if he will be coming tonight. That night, Mikiya is still keeping watch, when Shiki in a blood red kimono shows up in the rain, and chases him while slashing wildly with her knife. Shiki chases Mikiya to the road just outside the bamboo grove, where Mikiya falls and Shiki straddles him, holding a knife to his throat. Tears streaming down her cheeks, Shiki asks Kokutō to say something, who can only reply with "I don't want to die.". Shiki smiles warmly and replies that she wants to kill him. Screeching tires are heard, and the scene switches to June 1998 where Mikiya has started working for Tōko, and visits the comatose Shiki in the hospital with flowers, stating that he has always believed in her.

Movie 3: Remaining Sense of Pain

Timeline: July 1998

A teenaged girl, Fujino Asagami, is being raped by a street gang in an abandoned bar. During one night, Mikiya finds a confused Fujino crouched in an alley and noticing she is suffering from pain in her abdomen. Mikiya accompanies her to his apartment where she falls asleep. In the next morning, Mikiya notices Fujino is gone and at the same time, the news report a murder scene in an abandoned underground bar where the victims' corpses were found with their limbs torn off.

Later, inside Tōko's office, Mikiya rants on Tōko about not having his monthly salary paid because she spent her money on a Victorian ouija board. Tōko talks to Shiki about the murder scene and asks Shiki to capture a suspected perpetrator per a client's request. Shiki, confident she will recognize the suspect because of their killing intentions, leaves without reading the suspect's background information. Shiki claims they will try to kill each other the moment they meet.

Mikiya asks his friend Gakutō to lend him money. Gakutō accepts, but in return asks Mikiya to help him find Keita Minato, a friend who was acquainted with Mikiya during his high school days. Fujino is shown dialing Keita's phone, but instead, Keita does not answer while he is cowering frightened. Later, elsewhere, Fujino is dismembering someone without actually touching him while asking for Keita's location. In another scene, Mikiya's sister, Azaka Kokutou, is chatting with Fujino in a cafe and Shiki approaches Azaka to tell her Mikiya will not come to see her. Shiki notices Fujino and stares at her with killing intent, but Fujino does not respond. Thus, Shiki does not recognize Fujino as the suspect during that time.

Later during one night, Fujino is dismembering another victim (In the novels, the victim was a friend of Keita who tricked Fujino to where she can find Keita but in reality he wanted to rape her). The moment Fujino kills him, Shiki appears to confront her stating that Fujino is similar to her because of her bloodthirst. As Shiki and Fujino get ready to fight, a sudden change in Fujino's character occurs that makes Shiki no longer desiring to fight and leaves. A flashback in Fujino's childhood reveals her playing with a knife along her toys, seemingly injured and bleeding. However, she continued playing as if she did not feel any pain. Back to the present, Fujino calls Keita's number saying she is finally feeling pain and therefore feeling alive. But she does not want Keita, the only survivor of the bar's crime scene, to tell she is a murderer so she can live normally and speaks of her intent to kill him.

Mikiya was with Keita listening to Fujino's phone call. Keita reveals he and his friends have gang raped Fujino for some time but she did not show any signs of pain or emotion except until recently when she was hit at the back of her neck by one of Keita's friends. Mikiya is disgusted on how Keita and his gang treated Fujino but he still helps him by bringing him back to Tōko's office for protection.

Mikiya then intends to talk to Fujino to stop her quest of revenge. Tōko tells him that Keita confessed that his friend stabbed Fujino in her abdomen in the night of the murders and that actually triggered her desire to kill. However, Shiki when she first met Fujino noticed she did not have any wounds. She states that her pain is still inside Fujino's body and she would resort to killing to relieve the pain. Mikiya leaves to investigate Fujino's past.

During one night, a driver is about to accidentally crash into Fujino, but he is murdered before that happened. Shiki decides she must stop Fujino. A flashback scene shows Fujino, with an injured leg, once met Mikiya years ago. As she does not felt any pain, Mikiya tells her that a pain is something that is spoken about.

Mikiya discovers that initially, Fujino was able to feel pain, but her father (revealed to be her step father in the novels) artificially sealed her ability to feel pain in order to suppress her telekinetic powers. Tōko then deduces that Fujino was never stabbed in the first place, but she was indeed feeling pain the moment she was about to be stabbed. Her real pain is caused by an untreated and ruptured appendicitis and Tōko concludes Fujino does not have enough time left to live.

Shiki confronts Fujino on a newly constructed bridge that is sealed off, this time both wishing to defeat one another since Fujino can feel pain and joy for killing. During the fight, Shiki's left arm is twisted and rendered useless by Fujino's power. After constantly fleeing from Fujino's attacks, Shiki is finally able to 'see' through her telekinesis and able to 'cut' them with her 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'. Just before being delivered the final blow, Fujino uses her acquired 'clairvoyance' to destroy the entire bridge without the need to actually see her surroundings. An injured and agonizing Fujino tries to escape, realizing her desire to live and love towards Mikiya (and in the novels, her mother). She is found by Shiki who bends down and stabs her.

Mikiya and Tōko find Shiki outside of the bridge, who tells them Fujino lost her sensitivity to pain in the end and lost the desire to kill her. Instead, Shiki cuts through Fujino's illness. Tōko tells Shiki she will replace her left arm with a puppet arm capable of grasping spiritual embodiments. Mikiya calls a medical team to treat Fujino.

In the end, Mikiya confesses Shiki he is concerned about Fujino whose acts will haunt her mind and remain hurting her. Despite the terrible things she had done, she was more human than the gang who treated her. Mikiya also confesses he will stay by Shiki's side, by which Shiki also confesses she feels a 'small 'special' murderous intent towards Mikiya'.

Movie 4: The Hollow Shrine

Timeline: March 1996- June 1998

Following the incident in the second movie, Shiki is being carried by ambulance to a hospital where she lies in coma (the cause will be revealed in the final movie). Mikiya visits her very frequently, leaving rose bouquets which garner him praises by the nurses for his commitment to visit Shiki all this time. Time passes, and Mikiya graduates from high school and then meets Tōko Aozaki in a doll exhibition, who then hires him.

During Shiki's near death experiences within the Void, she encounters her male counterpart, SHIKI, who sacrifices its existence. After two years, Shiki finally wakes up and finds Mikiya's 'recover soon' note along with a bouquet of roses. However, at this moment Shiki does not recall Mikiya's name. As she looks at the bouquet, she sees cracks running through the roses and right at the moment she touches those cracks, the roses begin to whither and shatter. While being treated by the medical staff, who are unaware of Shiki's new ability, Shiki is able to see the cracks on them and on herself and visions appear where people and even herself are being sliced through those cracks. Confused and frightened, she injures her own eyes.

Mikiya is told Shiki has regained consciousness but visitors other than family members will not be allowed to see her. Tōko, disguised as a therapist, visits Shiki, who has both of her eyes bandaged due to her self-inflicted injury. Tōko introduces herself as a sorcerer and points out that Shiki's feelings of loneliness and hollowed heart can only be cured by the care of other people. Tōko tells Mikiya that Shiki is okay, but he should not visit her yet.

During nighttime in the hospital, Shiki is being haunted by spirits who try to possess her body. During the day, Tōko visits Shiki every day and discuss about Shiki's dual personality. Tōko states that Shiki's condition is special because both Shiki and SHIKI integrated a combined personality and realizes that as SHIKI is gone, Shiki's memory created a lapse and therefore will not be able to conclude Shiki's involvement in the murders two years ago. Tōko also points out that SHIKI sacrificed itself for Shiki to survive.

Shiki, still having her eyes bandaged, is told by the medical staff she has recovered and can go back home, but she refuses as she is deeply frightened by the world full of cracks she sees with her eyes. Later in the night she tries to stab her eyes with her fingers but is stopped by Tōko, who speaks with Shiki about the 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception'. Tōko tells Shiki she can teach her more about her new ability, which allows Shiki to 'perceive' and also 'touch' the 'death' of things. Shiki feels that is unnecessary as she does not feel the desire to live. Tōko points out that although Shiki does not want to live, she is also scared to die and under that condition, Shiki would be easily targeted by the spirits in the hospital and Tōko's magical protection would be voided. Disappointed, Tōko leaves asking Shiki if SHIKI's sacrifice was for nothing.

Later in the night, Tōko's protection shatters and a possessed corpse assaults Shiki. Back with Mikiya, Tōko describes Shiki's heart as being hollow and only through present and future experiences she will be able to build her new personality and 'shrine' in her heart. Mikiya starts singing softly 'Singing in the Rain'. As Shiki realizes how truly lonesome and frightful death is, she fights back the possessed corpse and both fall through the hospital room's windows. Tōko finds Shiki and tries to stop the corpse with her ignition sorcery but her attempt is unsuccessful. Shiki removes her bandages and battles the corpse using her newly acquired 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception skill. Tōko hurls a knife for Shiki to use. Shiki cuts her hair and uses the knife along with her 'Mystic Eyes of Death Perception' to slice the corpse. After rendering the corpse unable to stand up, the spirits possessing the corpse possess Shiki's body, but she fights back by stabbing her own body to reach the spiritual being's "existence" and cuts through them. Shiki erases the spirits and Tōko offers to teach Shiki how to use her mystic eyes. In exchange, Tōko asks Shiki to work for her.

Back in the hospital, Mikiya visits Shiki for the first time after her awakening. At the same time Shiki finally recalls Mikiya's name, saying that his (last) name sounds as a French poet's.

After the end credits, three people from the previous film are visited by a mysterious man with dark trench coat. He is shown with Kirie Fujō granting her with a body that she can move, later with Fujino Asagami healing her back wound and meets a down, blood-stained Lio Shirazumi. When all three ask who he is, he responds, "A magus, Sōren Araya."

Movie 5: Paradox Spiral

Timeline: November 1998

Shiki's Arc

In the middle of the night, Tomoe Enjou stabs his parents to death in a fit of rage, before escaping his apartment in a panic. Not long after, a homeless burglar finds their bodies, but when he returns with the police, to his surprise, he finds them being greeted by the residents in perfect health.

Sometime later, Shiki helps fend off some school bullies that were attacking Tomoe. Seemingly taken by Shiki's presence, he quickly asks her to help hide him, ecstatically claiming that he is a murderer. Shiki agrees, and simply cites she “is the same as him” when he is surprised by her easy acceptance of his status.

For the next month, Tomoe stays at Shiki's place, their life punctuated with Shiki's nightly sojourns, and Tomoe waiting for the news report of his parents' murder. During this time, Tomoe notices a strange man in a red hat and coat following Shiki. Tomoe warns her of this fact, which she idly dismisses. When they get into an argument over this, Tomoe claims he loves her, and as he lacks any worth, he'd be willing to die for her. Shiki refuses the offer, and asks him to consider where he feels his real home is. Tomoe feels then that he cannot hide any longer with Shiki, and leaves.

Not long after, Tomoe is shocked to see his mother still alive. Confused, he returns to Shiki. To confirm Tomoe's murder, Shiki accompanies him in returning to his residence at Ogawa apartment: an ominous, circular complex colored red, which was completed recently.

When they enter the elevator, Shiki notices they are ascending in a spiral. Reaching the 4th floor, Shiki insists on not ringing the doorbell, and simply entering Tomoe's home. Inside, they are met with Tomoe's abusive family, even another Tomoe, and watch the family's final moments as Tomoe's mother succumbs to murder-suicide. Shiki explains that these are simply imitation puppets that are revived in the morning and are forced to relive their final day alive repeatedly. Because Tomoe did not ring the doorbell, they continued to act as if they had no visitor.

Shiki then brings Tomoe to the opposite side of the apartment, his “real home”. She explains that when elevator began operating, due to the construction of the complex, none of the residents realized the rotating elevator made them exit 180 degrees, into another set of flats. When they enter Tomoe's original residence, they find the rotted corpses of the parents. This side of the apartment is used to store corpses. However, this intrusion also causes the undead puppets of the other deceased apartment residents to attack them when they exit. Shiki easily cuts them down, but afterwards she is confronted by Souren Araya. It is revealed in a short flashback that sometime during the second movie, Shiki had previously fought Souren.

Souren explains that he controls the apartment, as part of an experiment that uses the building to simulate a “miniature world that concludes in a day”. After driving all the occupants to kill one another, he has been making them repeat their deaths over the past half year, hoping for a deviation in their deaths. He also reveals that he was the one who manipulated Kirie and Fujino in the previous movies to attack Shiki, as antithesis to her, in hopes he can force her to recognize her own “Origin”. As they are meeting early, Souren decides to capture her now.

Shiki's mystic eyes are unable to perceive lines on Souren's body, due to his great age (his Origin being “Stillness”) and mystical artifacts he grafted onto his left arm in preparation. She attacks, regardless, even able to cut through his defenses, but in the end, she is defeated by Souren, and absorbed into the building.

Tomoe, the lone witness of all this, grabs Shiki's knife and escapes back to her home.

Mikiya's Arc

Toko receives a tip from a friend on the police force rergarding a mysterious report made by a burglar that upon entering an apartment, he found a middle-aged couple murdered. However, when the police follow up and ring the doorbell of their apartment, the man who was seen dead by the burglar answers as if nothing was wrong. A particular interest is taken to Tomoe, the son of the couple, who is missing. Toko requests that Mikiya, who just returned from a month of driving school in the suburb to obtain his license, investigate the situation.

Mikiya finds the schematics of the strange apartment building, two separate semi-circular buildings that are separate apart from the lobby containing only one central elevator, and reports this to both Toko and Shiki. Apparently, the builder meant for the construction to be for a company dormitory, but instead opened it to the public. Mikiya also reports that the elevator was inoperable for the first month residents lived in the building and also manages to find background details on 30 of the 50 families residing within the building.

Mikiya is also given a katana by Shiki's family to deliver to her. Toko requests that she does not assemble it within the office, as its age would cause all of the magical barriers to break. Mikiya also makes arrangements to meet Shiki, but is surprised to find her apartment locked, although there was never a lock on the door in the past.

Toko and Mikiya set out and investigate the building, Toko reveals that she helped design it and there is a reason only 30 of the 50 family backgrounds could be found, the others were faked using certificates of already deceased people. Mikiya is automatically affected by the strange building's architecture and design, which Toko explains were purposely designed in that manner to make the residents go insane. As Mikiya exits the elevator on the 4th floor, he is confused to find himself on the wrong side of the building than the blueprints noted, and is further confused when he checks on the residents of apartment 405, Tomoe's family, and finds them there, although they are supposed to be living in the opposite building in apartment 410. When asked by Toko to meet him one flight up the stairs, Mikiya is surprised to find that he arrived on the 6th floor instead of the 5th, although seemingly only going up one floor of the building. Toko tells him the confusion is due to the elevator rotating 180 degrees while lifting and augmentation to the stairway, which Mikiya deduces as pistons raising the stairwell one level, therefore effectively "switching" the apartments of the residents to the other half of the building after the completion of the elevator.

Mikiya then visits Shiki's apartment again but finds Tomoe there instead. He tells Tomoe that he is going to look for that now missing Shiki and questions Tomoe on his motives for helping to rescue Shiki. Mikiya brings Tomoe with him on the condition they make one stop first, despite disagreeing with Tomoe's sentiments that this is something he is just doing for Shiki's sake. Mikiya surprises Tomoe by bringing him to his childhood home where Tomoe regains his memories and realizes that he "has a home" and will fight for his own sake, not Shiki's.

Mikiya and Tomoe proceed to the apartment complex to rescue Shiki. They separate before entering, deciding to take separate routes, and agree to never search for each other again after parting so that neither one would feel guilty if something happened to the other. After bidding farewell to Tomoe, Mikiya enters the building and is confronted by Cornelius, a Magus from Toko's past, who assumes Mikiya is Toko's apprentice. Although Mikiya manages to stab Cornelius, it does no good. Cornelius superimposes his hatred for Toko on to Mikiya, even acting as if he were Toko, while slamming his head into a wall continuously, knocking Mikiya unconscious.

Final Arc

Movie 6: Oblivion Recorder

Timeline: January 1999

The movie starts off with an introduction from Kokuto Azaka on who she is and how she plans to win Mikiya over as her lover despite the presence of a dangerous woman named Ryougi Shiki. Afterwards, Shiki is sent to Azaka's school, the Reien Academy during winter break in order to help investigate a series of reports of fairies stealing the student's memories, and a suspicious suicide. The two immediately clash as Azaka is in love with her brother (Mikiya) and considers Shiki a love rival. While walking around the school, Shiki notices a fairy, and chases after it. Azaka who cannot see the fairies, is left alone and is attacked by an unknown person and has her memory stolen, only waking up in the evening with no memory of what has occurred. They discover the magus using the fairies is trying to erase everyone's memories of the event, but the school has a written record of the investigation. Azaka goes alone to check out the suicide site in the old building, as Shiki does not want to wake up this early. While there, Ouji finds her and requests that Azaka pray with her in the chapel, after praying, she reveal she is the one using the fairies to erase everyone's memories, and tries to erase Azaka's memory, and that she killed Hideo Hayama (the teacher who went missing) and used his body to create the fairies (as you need a corpse of some kind to create a familiar). Azaka is knocked unconscious from behind by one of the fairies, but she retains her memory and is found by Satsuki Kurogiri, the teacher replacing Hideo Hayama.

Shiki arrives and tells Azaka that the students of Kaori's class have all disappeared. Azaka says she is going to check out the suicide site, but Kurogiri strangely tells her that there is nothing there...and when reaching there, she finds that a large section of the building has mysteriously disappeared without a trace. Unable to find a trace of Ouji, Azaka falls asleep, and is woken up some time later by the dog left by her room mate. Shiki tells her that she has a message from Mikiya, who informs her of Kurogiri's real identity, that of a magus known as "God's Word" and a counter measure to his ability, as well as the cause of Hideo Hayama's death. Taking Shiki's walkman and earphones, Azaka runs past Kurogiri without being affected by his ability, and heads to the suicide site to discover all the students there in a trance, with lighted matches and open canisters of fuel, Ougi intending for them to commit suicide in the same manner as Kaori. Azaka and Ougi face off in the chapel, while Shiki faces off with Kurogiri. Azaka tries to convince Ougi to stop, revealing that Hayama died from a heart attack due to his drug abuse, and that the information she gained from the fairies was just a rumour circulated by the students and Kurogiri had stolen her memory first to make her come to the wrong conclusion. Ougi refuses to stop, and tries to kill her with the fairies, but eventually they rebel against her and Azaka destroys them and the source of the magic. Kurogiri reveals that Araya Souren requested he return to Japan in order to restore Shiki's memory, and Shiki tries to kill him, but Kurogiri simply says "You'll lose sight of me" and Shiki becomes unable to see him. After everything is settled, Mikiya tells Azaka that Kaori regained consciousness in the hospital. The bus arrives, but instead of getting on, Azaka pulls Mikiya away and insists on a date in order to make up for him going out with Shiki the other day (Movie 3, Mikiya is supposed to meet Azaka but sends Shiki to tell her he cant make it). At night, Azaka remembers a dream from her childhood, and remembers why and how she fell in love with Mikiya.

The restoration of Shiki's memory via God's Word as well as what happened to him after the events of the movie are left unexplained, though in the original novel much more about him is touched upon and he is killed by one of his students in a considerably karmic fashion.[8]

Movie 7: Murder Speculation (Part 2)

Timeline: February 1999

Set after Oblivion Recorder, a new spate of ferocious murders has caught the eye of both Shiki and Daisuke, Mikiya’s cousin who investigated the murders before. Shiki wanders the back alleys of the business district, searching for the murderer and avoiding attacks by local thugs while Mikiya becomes more and more wor­ried about her, beginning his own investigation that takes him down a path populated by drug pushers and prostitutes. The per­petrator, Lio Shirazumi, finds Shiki first but loses an arm in the resulting scuffle; retreating, he dis­covers Mikiya in his apartment which has become a madman’s shrine to Shiki. She is captured and tortured by Lio, still struggling with murderous urges, her salvation relies on Mikiya who may befall Lio’s uncontrollable cravings.

Well that is,next is canaan.

Canaan is the main character of the series, a mercenary currently operating in Shanghai. She was the only survivor of a village destroyed by war in the Middle East before being found and trained by Sham, who has her adopting the name Canaan. She developed a respect for her mentor during the course of her training, and later to Alphard as well (Sham's former student who she saw as an older sister figure). But when Alphard betrayed both her and Sham during a mission and left Sham to die, Canaan was consumed by the quest for revenge. Canaan often gets serious whenever she sees Alphard. As an elite mercenary, Canaan is also a skilled marksman and an expert of combat, her weapon of choice most of the time being a Beretta Px4 Type G semi-automatic handgun. She has the ability to use synesthesia to aid her in combat, viewing the world in different colors to tell enemies from civilians. She is always seen with a red halterneck shirt and brown pants.


Two years after the events of 428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de, Maria Ōsawa and Minoru Minorikawa are dispatched as reporters to Shanghai in order to cover the upcoming Shangai NBCR International Anti-Terrorist Conference. Prior to their current assignment, both Maria and Minoru were survivors of the Shinjuku bio-terrorism incident, where Maria was kidnapped by terrorists and was infected by the Ua virus but was cured by her scientist father using an experimental anti-Ua virus vaccine. Maria is later saved by her friend, a Middle Eastern girl named Canaan after being targeted for death by masked assassins on her first day in Shanghai after she befriended her in the Middle East prior to the events of 428: Fūsa Sareta Shibuya de and her Shanghai trip.

Their presence in the city is being overshadowed by a mysterious event being planned by Alphard, Canaan's rival. Unknown to the two, Alphard is preparing a big plot related to the anti-terrorist summit after being rescued by Cummings and Liang Ji, a pair of mercenaries and Alphard's allies. Maria's life was placed in danger once more when Snake assassins were dispatched to harm her, placing Canaan at the forefront of it all in order to protect her friend. Minoru investigates a strange purple mark that he spotted from one of the assassins Canaan had killed recently, tying it back to the events in Shinjuku.

Canaan and Alphard continue to violently confront one another before and after the terrorist attack on the anti-terrorist summit, the latter trying to make Canaan fight her with all of her strength. The reason for their rivalry was Sham, a mercenary and mentor to Canaan, who was gunned down by Alphard during a joint mission together in an attempt to forge her own path without being influenced by Sham as she also was raised by him with the name Canaan once before she discarded it for her current name. Canaan later goes on a journey with Mino, Maria and several others to Western China where a new Ua virus was first used to find out about its origin and track down Alphard.

After Maria and Minoru made their safe return to Japan from their journey in China, Maria opened a photo gallery and reflected on the friendship she and Canaan shared. One of the portraits she had for public display was named Canaan. It consisted of pictures of Alphard, who was formerly known as Canaan, and the Canaan she knew back from her Middle East trip.



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